Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Morning after the day before (Day 1)

They offered me a sleeping tablet to get through the night but I didn't feel I wanted it. Initially I was walking around my room to stretch my legs and then I wanted to get on with other things, using the energy from the adrenaline in my injections!

They have a long list of DVDs in English as well as German and lent me one in the afternoon after surgery, so I watched a movie for a while after I woke up.

Breakfast came between six and seven, then after a while the day nurse came in and I lept athletically to my feet as I was quite wet in my dressings and desperate to be clean and dry! I had 12 incisions and they leave them open to let the fluid drain (you can see it running down my legs).

I had a consultation with the Professor and Dr Baumgartner around 8am, and was allowed a nice shower, and re-dressed. Because my flight to the UK was the same afternoon the nurse wrapped me in extra absorbant pads (known as "puppy pads" in English) under my compression so I wouldn't leak into my socks and shoes or through my clothes on the plane. That worked well and I felt comfortable all the way home.

I had brought soft baggy joggers and a pair of my husband's trousers that would fit over the top if the weather was wet. I went for a top that didn't gather or press on my hips. I wore thick socks and boots to keep my feet warm - they fit into my own shoes fine.

I didn't take painkillers before my shower. The water jets were then too much on some tender spots so I told the nurse they should tell people to take pain relief in advance. I took 2 ibuprofen before my day 2 shower!

During the consultation the professor took more photos then sat with me to compare them to the pre-surgery ones and show me where he'd worked and how I'd changed. He was very sweet and I felt again that he he was not rushing me. Dr Baumgartner was very sweet too.

Bruising starting to develop the morning after
Some fluid dripping and marks from where I was padded up all night.  

Professor Schmeller also came to chat to me in reception whilst I waited to leave and stressed they are there by phone or email any time. I left feeling very reassured as they have a doctor on call number to reach one of the team not just during normal hours. Because there are several doctors there I know someone will be available and I've had face to face contact with them all. I feel safe and happy to travel and I'm looking forward to being home (although all their care and cooking I could stay here for!).

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